“Fight Of Gods” on Steamis olev kaklusmäng, mis paneb erinevad mütoloogilised jumalad üksteise vastu võitlema. Mängus on Zeus, Jeesus ja veel palju teisi jumalaid erinevatest religioonidest. PQube (tootja) andis pressiteate antud sündmuse kohta (jätsin inglise keelde):
“Fight of Gods is a video game that takes a humorous approach to religion in the same way that other entertainment formats have – across television, film, books and theatre.
The game is not promoting any religious agenda and is not designed to offend. The description of the game on the digital platforms through which it is distributed provide clear guidance on the nature of the game and its content so that people can freely choose whether or not to play it. We fully respect the choice of those who would not wish to play it.
We are disappointed that such freedom of choice is not given to everyone and in particular that the game has been forcibly removed from sale in Malaysia, although no direct communication has been received by us as to the reasons for this. Nevertheless we respect any rules and censorship imposed in any given territory.
We have reached out to Steam and are working with them to resolve the situation as soon as possible.”
Probleem tuleneb Malaisia seadustest, millega antud mäng vastuollu läks. Minu jaoks on see signaal, et kuhu maailm on liikumas. Kellegi kujuldetav sõber pannakse humoorikasse konteksti ja sellepärast tuleb KÕIK Steami mängud ära keelata. See näitab religiooni mädast sisu ning pimedust, mida see endaga kaasa toob. Steam hetkel on mängu Malaisia jaoks keelanud, kuid kurb on selliseid asju lugeda. Millal kaine mõistus võidab? Kas üldse?